
What can i make with these ingredients

Experiment with colours, add flowers from your garden and use different shapes. These ingredients are safe to use in the bath, but it’s important what can i make with these ingredients note that bath bombs are inedible. We recommend this craft for children aged eight years or over.

Put the bicarbonate of soda, citric acid, cornflour and Epsom salt in a bowl, then whisk until fully combined. Pour the base oil, essential oil and food colouring in a small bowl. Mix together well, combining the oil with the colouring as much as possible. Very slowly add the oil mixture into the dry ingredients a little at a time, whisking between each addition. If you’re adding peel or flower petals to decorate, drop them into the bottom of your chosen mould. Pack your mixture tightly on top, pressing down and smoothing out the top with a teaspoon. Leave your bath bomb in the mould to dry for 2-4 hrs, then carefully remove it.

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