
V day ideas for her

You have v day ideas for her to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Letter V activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Our activities are widely used by teachers, moms, dads, child care providers etc. All our activities are available at no cost and are free to print and share. Make a Valentine out of red, pink or white paper.

Make two pieces of felt for circle time and put Velcro on them so you can stick the two Vs together. Alternately, let children decorate the letter V with Velcro cutouts. You could also make vests for the children to decorate from the large size paper shopping bags. You can split them up the middle of a wide side and cut out a circle shape on the bottom of the bag where the neck will go. Cut holes on each narrow side for the arms to go through.

Let the children decorate them with, glitter, ribbon, fabric scraps, vegetable stamping, the possibilities are endless. Make violets with tissue paper and construction paper stems and leaves. You can make valentines and sing valentine songs. Draw a picture of yourself enjoying your favorite vegetable then write a sentence telling about your picture. The children take turns placing their vote on the graph under their favorite vegetable. After everyone has had a turn, read the graph to tell which vegetable is the class favorite, which is the least favorite, which is the favorite of the boys? Write all the little words the class can make from the letters in the word Valentine and add them to a class list added to all week.

Visit an animal hospital or invite a veterinarian to talk to the children about caring for their pets. When we moved, our furniture went in a moving ________. Peas, carrots and corn are __________. When mother cleans the rug she uses a _________. Talk about vacations that people have gone on or read a children’s book about someone going on vacation. Or use pretend vacuums for kids that you can put into the housekeeping center.

Let the children talk about things they can put in the vase. If it the weather is nice, go on a nature walk and see if you can find something to put in it. Play vegetable games at circle time. Record voices on tape and see if the children can recognize whose voice they hear. Read a story about a veterinarian. Let children play one on the computer.

Get one for your class and let them look through it. Show pictures of a vineyard and talk about how grapes grow in a vineyard. Have a violet flower out for children to look at, or just pictures of one. Talk about the 5 senses and how vision helps us to see things. Ask the children if they take vitamins in the morning. Make a volcano for the science portion of your class.

Show pictures of real volcanoes to the children. Put measuring cups into a water bin and let children measure the volume of the water. Eat vanilla ice cream or cake. You can also have a cooking activity that you use vanilla in. Speak about the funny name of the noodles. Bring your hamsters one by one. Flying in a circle, oh, so high.

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