
Foods that start with d

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You may need to download version 2. 0 now from the Firefox Add-ons Store. Medically reviewed by Natalie Butler, R. A nutritionist shares her favorite ways to get your daily dose of the sunshine vitamin — without the sun! Vitamin D is a critical fat-soluble vitamin that’s needed for our body to maintain serum calcium, which supports cellular processes, neuromuscular function, and bone ossification. This vitamin also plays a major role in immune response and is critical in the prevention of osteoporosis, cancer, depression, diabetes, and obesity. Yet, over 40 percent of the U.

Sunlight allows the body to synthesize vitamin D naturally. 10 to 15 minutes, always remember to use sunscreen. Since vitamin D is not naturally present in a wide variety of foods, it’s important to know what to eat to get this nutrient into your diet. Salmon is a great source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. Choose wild and eat it raw, baked, pan seared, or choose canned wild salmon for an easy, less expensive option. Try this recipe for baked wild salmon.

3 ounces of cooked rainbow trout provides over 100 percent of your daily requirement for vitamin D. Get the recipe for rainbow trout with apple pearls and a Riesling butter sauce. Mushrooms are a delicious source of vitamin D that offer several B vitamins and potassium, too. Vitamin D levels vary with each mushroom type, such as shiitake, portobello, morel, and chanterelle.

You can also buy mushrooms that have been exposed to ultraviolet light giving them even higher vitamin D levels. Check out this herby barley salad with butter-basted mushrooms. Another reason we should always eat the whole egg! Vitamin D is found in the yolk of the egg only. Eggs also contain all your essential amino acids and are a great source of choline and healthy fats. Try this recipe for a tasty tahini egg bowl. Canned tuna is an easy way to get in vitamin D.

Its longer shelf life makes it a great pantry staple to throw into meals as a fabulous source of protein, too. Always make sure it’s from sustainable sources and choose light tuna with the lowest amount of mercury possible. Safecatch and Wild Planet are great options. Whip up this Thai tuna power bowl. Sardines are one of the most nutrient-dense seafoods, providing lots of protein, many essential vitamins and minerals, and anti-inflammatory omega-3s.

Since sardines eat plankton, they don’t carry heavy metals and toxins like many other fish do, thus they’re one of the cleanest seafood sources. There’s plenty to do with them! Check out this recipe for grilled sardines with coarsely chopped green herbs, or whip up this healthy lemon parmesan sardine pasta. Swiss cheese is another way to pick up your vitamin D, along with calcium and vitamin K, which work together to keep your bones strong.

Swiss cheese is easy to shred and sprinkle over a salad, throw into veggies, or bake onto bread. Try to buy organic, raw cheeses when possible. Try these low-carb, keto-friendly cheese crackers. Cod liver oil is one of the top sources of vitamin D and also happens to be a rich source of vitamin A and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.

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