
Can you freeze rice dishes

Can you freeze fresh vegetables without blanching? Subscribing to my channel is greatly appreciated! Thought Can you freeze rice dishes’d do a short video on how to freeze cauliflower, especially since I have soooooooo much to work with! I had 10 heads, one was bad so that left me 9.

After cutting, blanching for three minutes and drying I was able to vacuum seal 13 servings for two and put them in the freezer. In order to stay frugal and on a budget, I like to buy fruits and veggies when they are on sale and then freeze them for future use. Guidecentral is a fun and visual way to discover DIY ideas learn new skills, meet amazing people who share your passions and even upload your own DIY guides. We provide a space for makers to share their handmade crafts, home decor projects, fashion and beauty tips, homemade recipes and other life hacks with our global community. Download the free Guidecentral app to browse thousands of DIY projects on-the-go. The Guidecentral Maker Program lets you earn money by sharing your DIY projects.

Title: Freeze a Batch of Cauliflower. You find a bunch of broccoli or cauliflower at a super price at the shop, what to do? Also works for carrots, but they should be done last as they are orange and will need about 10 minutes of boiling, whereas broccoli needs 2 minutes boiling, and cauliflower needs 3 to 4 minutes of boiling. Blanche, freeze, store in plastic bags.

To use, take out of the freezer and microwave in a bowl, or plunge into boiling water for a minute,or defrost in bowl and put piping hot tap water to warm them. What are your favorite ways to use cauliflower? It is such a power food and tasty! I hope you enjoy this video, if you do, give me a thumbs up! Thanks for stopping by and I’d love for you to stick around and subscribe to my channel! Freezing Cauliflower Without Blanching Blanching is the most common and recommended way to prepare vegetables for freezing. Submerging fresh vegetables in boiling water, then quickly cooling them in an ice bath halts the action of enzymes in the food that can degrade freshness, preserving the color and texture of frozen veggies.

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