
Broccoli raisin salad

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying broccoli raisin salad. This Crunchy Broccoli Salad combines a variety of crunchy vegetables along with sweet raisins, dried cranberries, salty sunflower seeds, and a delicious creamy cider coleslaw dressing.

Whether enjoying as a side dish for dinner or a healthy lunch, this salad’s a winner! A while ago I published a recipe for Curried Couscous Salad. This broccoli salad has a similar story. It was inspired by a salad I tried from the deli of a grocery store. I enjoyed it enough that I brought some extra home to me to develop a copycat version.

I haven’t been able to stop eating it since. Believe it or not, my 2 year old daughter LOVES this stuff. Every time I dished up a bowl for me, she came and sat down beside me asking for more and more. She ate most of my serving each time.

So now I know to dish up an extra bowl of it every time I have some. I had my family sample the original deli version and my version without knowing which was which. The vote was unanimous:  This one’s the clear the winner. This salad makes a wonderful side dish. Serve it with anything you would normally serve coleslaw with or any number of chicken dishes, just for example. It also makes a satisfying lunch as a larger serving.

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