
Breakfast meals

In some areas, the name for this meal depends on its content. In some areas, the name for this meal depends on its breakfast meals, but many English-speakers use “supper” or “tea” for this meal, regardless of size. In formal dining, a full course dinner can consist of many courses, and in some instances the courses are carefully planned to complement each other gastronomically.

Later meals can involve breakfast food but are usually not considered breakfast. It is traditional in Bavaria, in Poland, and in Hungary. In Bavaria or Poland, special dishes are made exclusively to be eaten during second breakfast. In Vienna and most other parts of Austria the second breakfast is referred to as Jause. The word is a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch. The origin of the words lunch and luncheon relate to a small meal originally eaten at any time of the day or night, but during the 20th century gradually focused toward a small or mid-sized meal eaten at midday.

Lunch is the second meal of the day after breakfast. Tea as a meal can be small or large. 4 pm, consisting of light fare such as small sandwiches, individual cakes and scones with tea. British meal usually eaten in the early evening. Linner is a late lunch or almost dinner meal.

The name comes in reference to brunch, being a combination of the words “lunch” and “dinner” or “Supper”. Dunch comes in reference to brunch, being a combination of “dinner and “lunch”. 7pm or as late as midnight. Usually eaten when the main meal of the day is taken at lunchtime or high tea. It is popular in Hong Kong, Taiwan, some parts of southern mainland China and amongst students in India. United States among people with pre-sleep hunger pangs, late-night revelers, and insomniacs.

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