
Botw salmon meuniere

When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. BOTW recipes can boost a lot of attributes. A good Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild recipes can give you more stamina, speed, cold resistance and more. A good recipe book and some careful botw salmon meuniere can make a lot of things a lot easier.

Because of that we’ve compiled this handy cookbook with every food and elixir BOTW recipe. We’ll explain what everything does, and the effects these Breath of the Wild recipes have to help you plan ahead with meal prep. Whatever you cook, remember that putting better ingredients in the pot will mean better buffs. One bit of good news, given all the potential ways you can use ingredients, is that the best combinations will always be prioritized. What you can actually cook though depends on what you’re cooking on. If you only have a campfire, jump to the roasted and frozen dishes section to see what you can make.

The other recipes require a cooking pot, so don’t bother trying to make those without one. Mixing them will result in failed dishes and waste your ingredients, so always keep them separate and get cooking! Cooking in Breath of the Wild is simple. But if you want to utilise your ingredients to make dishes with particular buffs, like increased speed, or stamina regeneration, it gets slightly more involved. There are 11 different effects available and you can achieve them by adding a particular ingredient, like a herb, nut, or vegetable, to a dish. For example, cooking a fish in a pot on its own will turn it into a fish skewer that will restore two hearts.

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